FS starts cooperation with European Space Agency

FS starts cooperation with European Space Agency
© Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane

A non-binding agreement was signed in Rome at the end of March 2024, highlighting a shared interest in the development of new services enhanced by space-based technologies and data.

Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane (FS) and the European Space Agency (ESA) have agreed on a collaboration aimed at leveraging innovative and sustainable space technologies and services in the fields of freight transport and logistics. These advancements are intended for use in areas such as infrastructure monitoring, connectivity, and digitalization, with a focus on terrestrial freight transportation.

Both parties have committed to sharing resources, knowledge, ideas, and best practices. They also aim to foster new collaborative opportunities, support activities in mutual areas of interest, and regularly meet to evaluate and guide the progress and effectiveness of their partnership.

The initiative is grounded in the belief that space services, supported by evolving technologies, are a natural extension of current terrestrial capabilities for FS. Integrating these services into the infrastructure management and mobility services for both passengers and freight is seen as essential for effectively fulfilling FS's role in supporting national interests.

As outlined in the Memorandum of Intent, FS and ESA also pledge to independently contribute to the implementation of the agreement by providing personnel, organizing workshops, conferences, training seminars, and joint communication initiatives to promote the goals of the partnership.

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