Ute Oldenburg strengthens management of the RDC Germany

Ute Oldenburg strengthens management of the RDC Germany
© Ute Oldenburg

Ute Oldenburg will take over as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of RDC Deutschland GmbH on 1 January 2024.

The graduate engineer/EMBA HSG worked for Deutsche Bahn for more than 30 years, most recently as CFO of DB Station&Service AG from 2014 to 2019. Prior to that, she was CFO/COO of Toll Collect GmbH.

Henry Posner III, Chairman of RDC Germany: "We are very proud to have won a very competent and experienced personality for the RDC Germany Group in Ute Oldenburg. Together with her, our CEO Markus Hunkel and the entire team, we will open the next chapter in our development as a successful and respected member of the German railway sector".

Ute Oldenburg replaces Niels Hartung, who has been CFO of RDC Germany since November 2019. Niels Hartung will continue to serve RDC Germany beyond 1 January 2024.

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