DB: Female Workforce on the Rise

DB: Female Workforce on the Rise
© DB

In a significant leap towards gender diversity, Deutsche Bahn now boasts over 55.000 female employees, marking a notable increase in its female workforce and leadership.

At Deutsche Bahn (DB), the landscape is changing, with more women joining the ranks across various roles, from train drivers to maintenance staff. Now, over 55,000 women are part of DB in Germany, making up 24.1% of its workforce, up from 23.6% the previous year. March, celebrated globally as Women’s Month, saw DB welcome around 800 new female employees, with approximately 11,000 women applying for positions. This shift represents a significant departure from the historically male-dominated railway sector.

The proportion of women in leadership positions at DB has also seen a notable increase, now at 29.4%, edging closer to the company's "30 percent by the end of the year" target. DB is committed to achieving gender parity in the long run.

Martin Seiler, DB’s HR Director, emphasizes the company's dedication not only to attracting more women to the railway industry and leadership roles but also to valuing the contributions of its current female employees. DB prides itself on its progress towards diversity and inclusivity, offering attractive job positions and employment conditions, and investing in women's qualifications.

Celebrating Women’s Month for the fifth time, DB launched a nationwide social media campaign under the slogan “55,000 Role Models. And You,” along with special recruiting events and panel discussions focusing on technical rail jobs in the STEM field.

To increase the female quotient in its workforce and leadership, DB is implementing a comprehensive strategy covering recruitment, development, and employment conditions. This includes a targeted female recruiting strategy with 30 measures, such as part-time job listings, and flexible working hours to cater to different life phases.

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