Hexagon and Ness to develop digital maps for the Czech railway

Hexagon and Ness to develop digital maps for the Czech railway
@Lukáš Lehotský on Unsplash

The specific technical maps for the Czech Railway Administration will provide information on the transport and technical infrastructure and will contribute to better and more efficient preparation of investments and repair work.

Hexagon's Safety, Infrastructure & Geospatial Division and supplier of IT solutions Ness Czech will supply the Digital Technical Railway Map (DTRM), a geographic information system (GIS) designed for railways, to the Czech Railway Administration. Digital maps will provide the Railway Administration access to information about its transport and technical infrastructure to better and more efficiently prepare investments and repair works. The basis of the project is the Technical Map Information System (ISTEM), developed jointly by Ness and Hexagon. This system is designed to ensure that all changes are displayed to all users in real time.

The national map is being built across the entire Czech Republic by connecting regional digital maps and other others from the Railway Administration and the Directorate of Roads and Highways. The DTRM project has been underway at the Railway Administration since September 2022. Completion is planned for the end of 2025, with support and development continuing until the end of 2027.

"With the DTRM project, we will digitize the unprocessed part of the railway infrastructure, including networks. All data related to technical and transport infrastructure will be made available to regions, municipalities, and every builder for spatial planning and construction procedures. From this, we will speed up and improve the quality of building permits, especially in connection with the construction of high-speed lines, among other things,” said Jiří Svoboda CEO of the Railway Administration.

The project consists of infrastructure, software, data, support, and development. Data work includes the digitization, consolidation, and harmonization of all data currently available to the Railway Administration, covering approximately 9 200 km of tracks, 27 000 km of technical infrastructure, and an area of 21 000 ha. Three data centers are also part of the delivery.

"The DTRM information system will be a comprehensive system for storing, managing and sharing all types of geographic data within the organization. Thanks to this project, the Railway Administration will not only fulfill the legislative requirements in connection with the Digital Technical Map of the Czech Republic, but at the same time it will acquire a GIS platform for the long-term management of geographical data in 2D and 3D, which can become a solid basis for future projects," states Jakub Svatý, country manager of Hexagon’s Safety Infrastructure & Geospatial division in the Czech Republic.

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