InRail newly carries carbon black from the Port of Genoa to Hungary

InRail newly carries carbon black from the Port of Genoa to Hungary

The new route is one of the longest connections which was ever managed by the Italian rail undertaking. The length is about 1300 km and headed through three states.

InRail company, an Italian private Rail Undertaking offering freight transport in Italy, Slovenia, and Croatia with its personnel and rolling stock, has announced a new service for Birla Carbon Europa, one of the largest manufacturers and suppliers of high-quality carbon black additives globally.

The railway service concerns the transport of carbon black from the Port of Genoa (Silomar terminal) to Hungary and is one of the longest connections ever managed by InRail with 3 countries crossed (Italy, Slovenia, and Hungary) and a total route of about 1300 km.

The service, which has seen the strong contribution of InRail Production team and Slovenian Operational Office based in Nova Gorica, takes just over two days to reach the destination in Tiszaújváros, Hungary.

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