Collapsed bridge, washed-out tracks: How Norway battles with impacts of storm Hans

Collapsed bridge, washed-out tracks: How Norway battles with impacts of storm Hans
© Bane NOR

At the beginning of August, the heaviest rainfall in a quarter of a century heavily impacted Norway. Mudslides, washout-out tracks and even collapsed bridges caused some of the vital lines to close for traffic.

Once storm Hans passed and the urgent emergency matters were resolved, Bane NOR, the Norwegian railway infrastructure manager, started with the works to restore traffic. The biggest impact, which will take a long time to repair, is a collapsed bridge on the Dovre line (Dovrebanen). On 14 August 2023, the Randklev Bridge over Lågen River collapsed into the river, keeping track closed. The track is still closed between Ringebu and Dombås because Bane NOR is repairing several smaller landslides that were triggered by the storm. The stretches between Oslo and Lillehammer, between Dombås and Ulsberg and Berkåk and Støren are open. With a plan to build a temporary bridge over Lågen,

Since 14 August 2023, the other line leading north of Oslo, Røros line (Rørosbanen) was also closed due to heavy rain that washed out the track. The landslides between Glåmos and Haltdalen and between Stensli and Graftås were repaired.

Washed-out line on Rørosbanen © Bane NOR
Washed-out line on Rørosbanen © Bane NOR

Bane NOR wants to resolve the problem of rail freight traffic connecting Oslo and Trondheim. The Dovre line has 16 daily intermodal trains and one to two timber trains per day. To keep as many goods on rails as possible, Bane NOR rerouted three to four freight trains daily to the Røros line along with the passenger traffic. And, in some cases, freight rail may even be prioritized over passenger trains. In that case, a replacement bus service would be introduced. As Bane NOR states in a true mature statement, a few buses with people may be a better solution than many trucks with tons of goods.

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