HSL: green energy from solar and wind farms

HSL: green energy from solar and wind farms
© Getec

HSL Logistik has signed a direct electricity supply contract for 50.500 MWh of green traction power with GETEC ENERGIE.

From 1 January 2024, more than half of the electricity required by HSL Logistik GmbH (HSL) will be generated by clearly identifiable photovoltaic and wind farms. The plants, which generate green electricity for HSL under a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), are located in Bavaria (PV), Lower Saxony (wind) and Rhineland-Palatinate (wind). In total, the plants will supply 47.700 MWh of wind power and 2.800 MWh of PV power to HSL in 2024.

"HSL Logistik GmbH has been using sustainably generated electricity for a long time. With the green electricity supplied by GETEC ENERGIE, HSL Logistik GmbH is taking a further step towards a sustainable future," said Haiko Böttcher, Managing Director of HSL Logistik.

For logistics companies like HSL, PPAs have become a source of green power. They make it possible to track which wind or PV plants generate the electricity a company buys.

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