Railcoop suspends freight activities in Occitania, France

Railcoop suspends freight activities in Occitania, France
© Railcoop

The company is concentrating on developing its passenger services.

On 19 April, Railcoop's Board of Directors decided to suspend its current freight activities in Occitania in order to concentrate its resources on the launch of the Bordeaux-Lyon passenger line in the summer of 2024.

Despite the launch of a new service and the good development prospects in the south-west, forecasts do not currently indicate that the freight business will be profitable in 2023. As a result, the company's activities are being reorganised to focus exclusively on the development of passenger services.

According to its statement, the development of local rail freight remains an important objective for Railcoop. For them, this development is an essential link in supporting the environmental transition in the regions.

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