ČD Cargo and RTI: joint transport of hundreds of thousands of tonnes of fuel

ČD Cargo and RTI: joint transport of hundreds of thousands of tonnes of fuel
© ČD Cargo

ČD Cargo has started transporting fuel to Poland. It's about 400,000 tonnes a year.

These are approximately 5-6 trains per month, which travel from Slovakia via the Czech Republic to Poland. In Poland, the freight goes to 4 different stations.  According to Michal Roh, Director of the Sales Support Department at ČD Cargo, this is a strategic transport and is therefore closely monitored:

"We monitor the quality, we monitor the train journeys, we provide transport both on Czech territory and, through our subsidiary CD Cargo Poland, then also in Poland."

ČD Cargo and Railtrans International have been cooperating for a long time, for example in the transport of fuel to Prague Airport, hydrocarbons to Most and Ostrava, etc. However, this is a significant increase of hundreds of thousands of tonnes.

Negotiations between both companies took several months:

"The negotiations actually started at the end of last year, they were not easy, but in the spring we managed to clarify both the prices and the technology, and in March we started test transports. Regular transports started in the second half of April," says Michal Roh, adding that both companies expect to further expand their cooperation.

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