A new agreement simplifies rail operations between Poland and the Czech Republic

A new agreement simplifies rail operations between Poland and the Czech Republic
© mdcr.cz

The content of the agreement is to ensure joint supervision of railway undertakings and railway operators with cross-border activities and to establish rules for access to border stations in both countries.

In a significant development for cross-border rail transport, the Polish Office of Rail Transport (UTK) and the Czech Railway Authority (DÚ) recently inked a cooperative agreement. The agreement, signed in mid-August, focuses on simplifying and enhancing the movement of trains in border areas shared by the two countries.

The core elements of the agreement entail the collaborative supervision of railway undertakings and operators engaged in cross-border activities, along with the establishment of clear protocols for accessing border stations within both nations. Additionally, the pact reclassifies existing stations located along passenger railways as official border stations.

"The agreement with Poland is the second cooperation agreement concluded by the Railway Authority after Slovakia. Intensive negotiations are also underway with Germany and Austria. The main purpose of the agreements is to promote railway safety and interoperability and to simplify the movement of railway vehicles for carriers when entering the border areas of neighboring countries," said Jiří Kolář, Director of the Railway Authority.

These cooperative agreements align with European Union directives on railway safety and interoperability, stemming from the introduction of the 4th railway package. The agreements pinpoint specific sections affected by cross-border traffic, fostering a unified approach to rail operations. Under this arrangement, carriers possessing a single safety certificate for either the Czech Republic or Poland or those in the application process, are required to seek an extension for their area of operation to the designated border stations listed in the agreement.

An important aspect of the collaboration agreement with Poland is the emphasis on joint supervision. This involves the formulation of a shared state supervision plan and the exchange of pertinent information tied to railway safety.

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