Lineas and Infrabel: infrastructure works in Liege

Lineas and Infrabel: infrastructure works in Liege
© Lineas

Infrabel has once again chosen Lineas to support the infrastructure needs of the Liège region in Belgium next year.

The contract runs for one year and includes various activities to support the smooth running of rail transport in the south-east region.

  • Work trains (infrastructure work on catenaries and tracks)
  • Sandite trains (spraying anti-slip gel on the rails to break up the smooth layer of flattened leaves)
  • Anti-frost trains (spraying anti-frost products on catenaries)

For each of these activities, Lineas will supply locomotives, drivers and ground staff, both for working and for disused lines. To ensure that these vital infrastructure operations run efficiently, Lineas' WorkTrainDrivers team will apply its specific expertise.

"Lineas is very honoured to be chosen once again as Infrabel's partner for these critical rail infrastructure works in Liège. This decision reflects Infrabel's confidence in the quality of our services. We are determined to continue our role in providing flexible, high-quality solutions that contribute to the efficiency and reliability of the Belgian rail network," comments Bernard Gustin, CEO of Lineas

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