Nurminen Logistics has launched a train service to Kazakhstan

Nurminen Logistics has launched a train service to Kazakhstan

The first shipment from Helsinki to Kazakhstan started last week.

The logistics company Nurminen Logistics has started operating regular rail services from Europe to Kazakhstan in cooperation with Kazakh State Railways (KTZE). Kazakhstan serves as a logistics hub, connecting Europe to the huge Asian markets. In 2020, the EU accounted for 29.7% of Kazakhstan's total trade in goods.

The route will be used to transport goods for customers from Northern and Central Europe. The goods will be transported in 40 HC shipping containers. The first consignment from Helsinki to Kazakhstan started its journey last week. Further regular departures from Europe will start in December, three times a week. 

“A great deal of customer interest and fast-growing demand is currently targeted at Kazakhstan. Nurminen’s long-standing Eastern market intelligence and strong partnership with Kazakh State Railways enable the building of service solutions that provide a competitive edge for customers in Central Asia,” says Marjut Linnajärvi, VP Sales, who is in charge of the railway logistics business.

The Nurminen and Kazakh State Railway started their cooperation in the spring of 2022 when they agreed to commercialize the international Trans-Caspian route between China and Europe. The Trans-Caspian route combines rail and sea transport.

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